Well, if you have ridden down a Louisiana road early in
the morning you will probably find one or two armadillos laying face up, and I'm
sure wondered what happen. The truth is those armadillos watch those cajuns and
pick up their bad habits. Those old armadillos can't wait till the sun goes down
so they can head to their favorite honky-tonk where they will drink and party
into the late hours. But like all good things, they have to come to an End, and
to some of those good-old armadillos their end comes in a tragic way. Some of
them stagger up on the roadway to be flatten by one of those rednecks' pickup.
When the economy is good they lay on the road till those old buzzards come
around, but when times are bad, they suddenly disappear. And if you are invited
to supper, Just Don't Ask Questions.
Glenn E. Newman 2000
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