©Glenn E. Newmann

#341 Sucking Eggs

    I guess you heard the old saying, "That'el cure em from sucking eggs". That saying came straight from old-fashion farm life. Eggs were an important staple for the table, so when varmints started breaking into the hen-house, something had to be done. The most common and successful trick was the old pepper-egg trick. The way it was preformed was to take and egg and drill two small holes in it. Then take and from one hole, blow the inside of the egg out through the other hole. Then take wax and seal up one hole. Pour an ingredient of hot, hot pepper mix with water into the other hole, then seal that hole with wax. Place these spicy eggs among the other eggs. Those varmints might sample those eggs again, but you can believe that that will be the last time! You can be assured that they will strike this food from their menu! 
Ó Glenn E. Newman 2001

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