©Glenn E. Newmann

#348 The Pool

            I was always taught not to be envious of what other people had, but there was a club near our house in Avalon Terrace. which had a pool that sure tested my teaching. Everytime I would pass by and see those club members swimming, I would wonder why only those chosen few had so much luck. But, I guess that was a lesson of life I had to learn. I never was invited to swim there, But I wan't lie to you, my buddie and I would slip in there on moonlit nights. One night the caretaker caught us and called our parents. We didn't go back to swim for a while. but we did put a small alligator in the pool. Yep! we got in trouble for that too. I guess my young way of thinking then, was, if any of those club members would want to come swimming with us in our favorite creek swimming hole, they were more than welcome. So, why wasn't we welcome in their Old Pool.
Ó Glenn E. Newman 2001

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