©Glenn E. Newmann

#363 The Pit

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. but, you can believe that these eyes of mine see no beauty in snakes. I was raised around the Louisiana swamp lands and if one of your buddies hollow "Snake", you had better swing something at that direction fast or it might be too late, especially if you was facing one of those giant cotton-mouths. i do respect and will not kill a king snake because he kills other poisonous snakes and will not bother you if you don't bother it. One of my worse dreams was when I found myself falling into a deep pit full of hundreds of entwined snakes, and I woke up wringing wet with sweat. Grandma said that I was dreaming this because of something I had done that day. Boy! after that, I walked a straight road for a while!
Ó Glenn E. Newman 2001

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