©Glenn E. Newmann

#365 The Tooth Fairy

    To believe, gives a child strength as he grows-up. I sure was happy when I was young and was loosing one tooth after another. I couldn’t wait until nighttime would come so I could put my pulled tooth under my pillow because I knew the tooth fairy would exchange it for some money! I was really getting rich until I finally ran out of teeth. Boy! You talk about snaggled tooth, that was me at that time! I remember one time I was having trouble getting a stubborn tooth out when a friend came to visit Dad. He told me he knew a sure way to get it out. He said all I had to do was to tie a string around the tooth and let the end hang down, and then go play. I tied to string on and continued to play before bedtime. In a little while I happened to walk by Dad’s friend. He reached out and gave that string a hand yank! Out came that tooth, quick as a wink. Buy, he sure did trick me, but that was OK, it just meant more money in my old Piggy Bank.
Ó Glenn E. Newman 2001

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